
This morning the blessings dashed off quickly, bubbling up, released into the day.

From there, I spent some time with Elohai Neshamah and onwards into some prayers of my heart.

my mother, left, with her grandparents, Rose and Meyer Moscovitch,
and her siblings Ruth and Ed, c. 1952

Once again, I invoked the grandmothers of my grandparents, grateful for their loving presence and wisdom.

Blessed are You, Loulie Howell, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Esther Gittel Cohen, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Ella Marshall Stimson, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Zlota Weinstein Feit, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Emma Clary Webb, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Jachet Donner Breitowich, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Anna Nicholson Gordon, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.

Blessed are You, Mariam Moscovitch, may I be a blessing to you. Your memory is a blessing to me. I am surrounded by your love.