Blog Archive




Start Here for #BlogElul 5774

I am participating again in this series of 29 posts during the Hebrew month of Elul. Elul is the last month of the year 5774, and is a time for reflection and introspection. BlogElul is the brainchild of Rabbi Phyllis Sommer. In it she invites us to respond to a series of one-word prompts as we prepare for the High Holidays.

For more information on BlogElul, please visit her site:




Start Here for #BlogElul 5773

The series 29 posts during the Hebrew month of Elul, 5773 (August-September 2013).


Start Here for 31 Days of Curating: in Loving Memory

  In this series of 31 posts during the month of October 2013, I "curate" my collection of artwork, journal entries, and memories of my stillborn daughter, Halia Hope.


Start Here for Eastern Europe 1990

In this series, I am chronicling the "roots" trip I took to Eastern Europe during the summer of 1990.